Sunday, December 13, 2015

December 14-18


In class:  Highlight key words in your research questions to begin your search for sources to use for your research paper, begin creating a written working Works Cited list for your research paper using given template (you must have at least 3 different sources and 1 must be a book)

HW:  Reading Log #7 due this Friday


In class:  Easy Bib refresher, finish creating a written working Works Cited list for your research paper using given template first, then plug information from your written working Works Cited list into Easy Bib to create a Google Drive Doc version (you must have at least 3 different sources and 1 must be a book)

HW:  Finish Works Cited list on Easy Bib and create a Google Doc for this by Thursday (if not finished after today's class), Reading Log #7 due this Friday


In class:  Writing & Research in the Digital Age:  What is plagiarism and how to avoid it, and review of note-taking methods

HW:  Finish Works Cited list on Easy Bib and create a Google Doc for this by tomorrow (if not already done), print one page of an internet source from your Works Cited list to use for note-taking practice in your ISN and bring to class with you tomorrow


In class:  Note-taking practice activity using one of the internet sources from your Works Cited list (for the ISN), Begin reading sources and note-taking in the Media Center for your research paper

HW:  Reading Log #7 due tomorrow


In class:  Continue reading sources and note-taking in the Media Center for your research paper

HW:  Keep reading your independent reading book!

Sunday, December 6, 2015

December 7-11


In class:  Note-taking:  Summarizing and Paraphrasing

HW:  Research Skills QUIZ this Thursday, Reading Log #7 is due 12/18  (This one should be on a new book!)


In class:  Begin "Presearch" with list of given topics related to Rescuers & Resisters during the Holocaust for research report in order to help you select a topic of interest to you and narrow it further if necessary

HW:  Research Skills QUIZ this Thursday, Reading Log #7 is due 12/18  (This one should be on a new book!)


In class:  Complete "Presearch" with list of given topics related to Rescuers & Resisters during the Holocaust for research report in order to help you select a topic of interest to you and narrow it further if necessary, begin writing a list of Research Questions for your selected / narrowed topic from the given list

HW:  Research Skills QUIZ tomorrow, Reading Log #7 is due 12/18  (This one should be on a new book!),  Finish writing Research Questions if necessary


In class:  Research Skills QUIZ, Avoiding Plagiarism, using the notecard note-taking method, begin researching and note-taking for research report

HW:  Research Skills QUIZ tomorrow, Reading Log #7 is due 12/18  (This one should be on a new book!)


In class:  Research Skills QUIZ, Continue researching and note-taking for research report

HW:  Reading Log #7 is due 12/18  (This one should be on a new book!)